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Our collection of CMR personal reflections on Christian living, feast days in the liturgical year, prayer, and more.  Enjoy!

Mary, the Dynamic-Living Gift

April 2021- Feast of St. Louis de Montfort

When I was a teenager, these Bible verses used to bother me. First, I thought Jesus was rude for calling Mary "Woman."


Sr. Pauline Kieu Nguyen, CMR

Praying for the Faithful Departed

November 2020 - Month for Souls

Growing up in a fairly religious environment, I remember gathering together with my family


Sr. Gwen Huyen Do, CMR

Our Queen

August 2020 - Feast of Queenship of Mary

For most of my life, I viewed our Blessed Virgin Mary as a great saint, not as my mother and certainly not as my Queen.


Sr. Julie Kim Hoa Pham

Pentecost in a Pandemic

May 2020 - Pentecost

It is May. Actually May is ending and we are about to start June. We are day 72, 40, or 76 into the pandemic, depending on where you live in the United States.


Sr. Janine Van Tran, CMR

Do Nuns Fall in Love?

February 2021 - Valentine's Day

Short Answer: YES, Long Answer: As a human we each have a body, heart, mind, and soul.


Sr. Eileen Phuong Nguyen, CMR

Either Or

October 2020 - Election Year

Recently the sisters and I were at Hardee's.  There was a bunch of coupons in the newspaper


Sr. Janine Van Tran, CMR

Depending on God

August 2020 - Ordinary Time

"Why am I breathing heavily?" I anxiously asked myself. I reason, " I do not have any allergies, asthma or any breathing problems in the past.


Sr. Theresa Ni Ha, CMR

St. Terry's Zoom School

April 2020 - Easter Season

ZOOM - A strange word to me when my principal asked all the teachers to meet her in Zoom! I thought my principal just misspelled the word "ROOM."


Sr. Terry Thuy Au, CMR

Why Words Matter Today

January 2021 - Ordinary Time

Today, January 20, 2021, we will inaugurate the 46th President of the United States.


Sr. Janine Van Tran, CMR

Spiritual Muscle

October 2020- Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

What is the strongest muscle in the human body? It depends on how you define strength


Sr. Janine Van Tran, CMR


July 2020 - Ordinary Time

The exact middle of the year is July 2nd. There are 182 days before and 182 days after. This only applies to non-leap years.


Sr. Janine Van Tran, CMR

March for Life Pilgrimage 2020

February 2020 - Pro Life Month

January 23-25, 2020. There were 102 of us representing the Diocese of Kansas City- St. Joseph, Missouri who traveled to Washington D.C, to join others to stand with God to protect LIFE.


Sr. Eileen Phuong Nguyen, CMR

Congregation of Mary, Queen - American Region
Dòng Trinh VươngChi Dòng Hoa Kỳ
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Vocations Office

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 Springfield, MO 65806  
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