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Đoàn Anrê Dũng Lạc in Silver Spring, MD: "Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord - Experiencing

Writer: CMR SisterCMR Sister

Updated: Aug 8, 2019

Sr. Gwen recently returned from serving at a retreat for Nghĩa Sĩ and Hiệp Sĩ (13 - 17 yrs old) in Đoàn Anrê Dũng Lạc in Silver Spring, MD (Oct 19-21). The retreat’s theme was “Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord- Experiencing God through the Senses.”

She had a grace-filled, fruitful retreat with an excellent turnout of approximately 40 youth and 20 young adult youth leaders.

She presented on the "Sense of Hearing" and the "Sense of Touch" - discussing how God calls and touches each person, inviting them to a unique vocation.

Another speaker, a deacon presented on "the Sense of Sight,” teaching about how God can call us through what we see and read. What an excellent theme!

There were also of course, fun small group activities, one-on-one spiritual guidance, bonding time and the usual good food!!!

The youth gave positive feedback and said they received abundant graces from retreat! (Thank you for being open Đoàn Anrê Dũng Lạc and for your invitation!)

Thank you for your continued prayers for the sisters as they continue their ministry! And Thank you for your continued prayers for the youth!! The Holy Spirit surely worked this weekend!! Check out the pictures below!

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