The Good
Dallas traffic is horrendous, with traffic jams a usual occurrence. The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to remain inside and slow down. We each had a chance to renew past hobbies: growing vegetables, raising earthworms, and chopping bamboo! Nature reminded us that life has rhythms and seasons - and that all is in God's hands.
Sr. Marie is a 5th grade catechist. She moved her classes to Zoom since the catechists had the option of teaching online or sending home weekly lessons. The children watch video clips beforehand and use the online time to discuss. They also raised $600 for the Lenten Rice Bowl (it was started before the shelter-in-place)!
Sr. Terry is a 3rd grade teacher and all her classes is also on Zoom. She logs on her laptop at 7:30am and is "married" to it until 4:30pm. Check out her "married-to her-laptop" experience here. It's been tiring but full of joy for her as she and her students adjust to Zoom School.
The Bad
By vocation, religious sisters are usually at the "forefront" of every tragedy. However, it is a painful experience to watch many people get sick and/or die. Physically, we are unable to be present to pray with them and remind them of the love of the Crucified Christ. We entrusted our limitations and prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that her Son, who is Divine Mercy, be with them.
Sr. Irene and Sr. Janine are both PCLs (Parish Catechetical Leaders). Spring is the usual time when they help prepare students for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. This past month has been difficult to endure as they know the youth are missing out on critical retreats and activities (this will be difficult to make up) that would have aided them to understand and experience God's love. Please keep these students in your prayers.
The Ugly
When there was a movement of home-made mask making, many of us sisters wished we had sewing skills. Unfortunately, the sisters in this community do not possess this gift. We offered our prayers as our humble contribution.
The Grace
We discovered and (both wonderful websites for daily, livestream Masses) - a resource that was always available before the pandemic! We had a chance to "visit" different churches in Rome, Vietnam, and the diocese of Dallas - something that could not be done before because of time constraints. The Covid-19 pandemic has allowed us to "peek inside" different churches, appreciate their beauty, and learn something from the different pastors.
We are praying for you!

Left: Sr. Marie preparing for Zoom Catechism; Right: Sr. Irene watering her garden; Center: Sisters offering cactus flowers to Mary for the month of May

Here's a game: Where's the CMR sister? (Hint: There are 2 of them)

Left: Sr. Marie finding earthworms for composting; Right: Irving chapel live streaming Mass - We cannot wait until we can attend mass in-person.