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Đoàn Các Thánh Tử Đạo Viêtnam, San Jose, CA: “Unity in the Eucharist”

Writer: CMR SisterCMR Sister

It has been awhile since we last posted about Sr. Gwen’s vocation adventures! Last weekend, Sept 27-29, Sr. Gwen embarked to San Jose, CA to help with a TNTT training camp for Đoàn Các Thánh Tử Đạo Viêtnam, hosted at Camp St. Francis (run by the Salesians of Don Bosco.) It was a great turn out with 58 camp participants and approximately 40-45 youth leaders and adult helpers!

Sr. Gwen gave 4 sessions on “Unity in the Eucharist” including two for the Huynh Trưởng và Phụ Huynh. The participants were very receptive and positive! Hopefully this talk will help them better live out their TNTT life.

She also talked a bit about vocations! The parents were very happy to hear the message and said they would encourage their children to think about it and to consider attending a Come and See retreat. (Dec 29-Jan 2 CMR Come & See Retreat) One youth leader said he didn't really think about the priesthood seriously, but after the session, he said he would be more open to it.

Let us continue to pray for the youth and young adults to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit to continue searching for that “higher purpose” and God’s mission in their lives!


Congregation of Mary, Queen - American Region
Dòng Trinh VươngChi Dòng Hoa Kỳ
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 Springfield, MO 65806  
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