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Mass for Consecrated Life - St. Louis, MO

Writer's picture: CMR SisterCMR Sister

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

On Saturday, October 26, 2019, our St. Louis CMR sisters attended the annual Mass for Consecrated Life, celebrated by Archbishop Robert Carlson and concelebrated by Bishop Mark Rivituso. Each year the Archdiocese of St. Louis celebrates consecrated life and congratulates all the jubilarians.  Jubilarians are those who are commemorating their 25th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 75th, etc. anniversaries.  Archbishop Carlson gave a wonderful homily to the many consecrated, religious men and women in attendance. (Saint Louis is known as the "Little Vatican" or the "Rome of the West"  with over 80 religious congregations/orders currently residing in the archdiocese!)

It was wonderful to be with so many of our religious brothers and sisters in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  One could feel the "holiness" exuding from all the hard-working and faithful souls. After the Mass, the jubilarians received a blessing and were called up by name to receive a certificate and pose for a photo with the bishops. There were several sisters who celebrated their 75th and 60th profession of vows! To see the joy as each sister or priest received their certificate and have their photo taken was truly touching and inspirational. The Sisters looked really good for their age; it was incredible!

We also prayed for the oldest Sister of Mercy in the world who recently died last Friday in Mobile, AL who was 111 years old and had been professed for 92 years!! What fidelity to one's vocation! 

Afterwards we had a lunch reception in Boland Hall.  It was wonderful to socialize and meet other religious in the area! It is not often that we can eat together and get to know one another in the midst of our busy ministry and prayer lives.

Please continue to pray for all religious especially for fidelity and perseverance in our vocation.  And know that we pray for you! 

Here are highlights of his homily reminding us and encouraging us in our journey. 


- "The life of prayer is where we find the wisdom to discern and the wisdom to sustain our vocation so that we might live as St. Paul says "according to the Spirit with the things of the Spirit."  The saints and teachers on the spiritual life say to develop a life of authenticity is to move toward a certainty anchored in the life of prayer, the Eucharist, reflection of scripture, and the daily examen."  


- "You have brought to the world a great sense of joy, a joy not tied to the earthly life, but a joy born from an intimate relationship with Christ!" 

- "God invites us to encounter him everyday. People need us, people need you! In looking at you, you become for them the face of Christ, the face of Christ reflecting back to them. How important that is for sinners, for the poor and the suffering."


Archbishop reminded us how we must continuously treasure and respect our vocation! He quoted Pope Francis who addressing seminarians and novices said, "In calling you, God says to you -  "You are important, I love you and I’m proud of you!" This same message God says to you in your lives!"  What great words of motivation and encouragement for us.

Enjoy the Mass of Consecrated Life and Reception photos!

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