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in the 


"Then, overcome by joy, I cried, 'Jesus, my love. At last I have found my vocation. My vocation is love. In the heart of the Church, my mother, I will be love, and then I will be all things." 

- St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Sr. Martha Nguyen 


First Profession of Vows – July 3, 1989

Final Profession of Vows – June 3, 1995

Number of siblings  – 6 siblings

Favorite Book of the Bible - The Gospel of John

Favorite Form of Prayer - Meditation

Favorite Bible Quote – "Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29)

Favorite Sport - "Hahaha favorite sport....... I like walking." 

Favorite Hobby -  Drawing, Cross-stitch, and Painting

Religious inspiration - St. Thérèse of Lisieux and a Holy priest who has since died. He preached on the love of Mary and sacrificing for what/who you love

Favorite Food –  I love everything. I love all kinds of food.

Favorite Color – Light Blue

Favorite Movie – Sound of Music

Favorite Book – St. Martin de Porres "Tấm Lòng Vàng" and The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Favorite Song/Music Genre – Nhạc Quê Hương (translation: Vietnamese country music)

Special talents - Drawing, Cooking, Baking, Acting 

Highlights of 2023 - My cousin came to visit me from Vietnam. We went together around Springfield visiting different places including the Wonders of Life aquarium and Lambert's Cafe. We also went to visit another cousin's chicken farm in Oklahoma. 

What are you looking forward to this year - I am looking forward to retreat in June and seeing my family.

Advice for Someone Discerning– "Close your eyes and follow God. Take the risk. Nothing is going to last in this world. If you hear the Lord call you, just go for it." 

Favorite Story as a Sister

One of my most memorable stories happened during Christmas.


For many years at Christmas, our daycare center chose a newborn baby from among our student's families to be baby Jesus in the annual Christmas program.  That year, baby Michelle was chosen.  The children in the center had seen her several times because Michelle had an older sibling in the Pre-K five-year-old class.


The day of the Christmas program arrived.  There was a lot of excitement as grandparents, parents, cousins, and friends gathered to watch the little ones re-enact the story of Jesus' birth.  Everyone played their part beautifully.  "Gabriel" came out at the right moment and told "Mary" she was going to be a mother.  "Joseph" took "Mary" to Bethlehem.  The "innkeepers" had no room and "Joseph" took "Mary" to a stable.  The moment came for Jesus to be born.  


At the cue, Michelle's mom tiptoed onto the stage and gently placed the baby into the cradle in front of "Joseph" and "Mary."  A moment of profound silence followed.  Suddenly, a voice piped from one of the "shepherds."  


"Jesus is a girl!"


No one knew what to say to that!!!


Another memorable story was told to me by one our Queen of Angels' parents.

Recently one evening we (her parents) asked B.L, "What did you do at school today?" 

"We played and went to church," she said. 

I asked her, "What did you do at church, did you sing and pray?" 


"Yes" she said. "And we do this." as she lays her arm across her chest. 

"Then Father says, the body of crust."  

"Don't you mean, the body of Christ?" I asked. 

"No Daddy, It's the crust, Jesus' body is the bread." 

"Oh,"I said.  "I understand now." 

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