Stages of Formation
Listen to your heart. See if being a sister would help you become the person God meant you
to be.
Ask to visit the convent and meet the sisters by attending a "Come and See" retreat and/or a visit of prayer and dinner. In this way, you will have a realistic experience.
Enter the convent as an aspirant. The aspirancy is approximately 6 months to 2 years. You are in prayerful discernment while being introduced to community life.
If you and the community e.g aspirant director and the superior, discern that God is calling you to be a sister, you will be invited to enter the novitiate.
The novitiate is two years long. It is called the "School of the Holy Spirit" as God forms your heart to be His Beloved.
If you and the community e.g novice director and the superior, discern that God is calling you to be a sister, you are invited to profess vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience.
During this time, you continue your studies if you have not completed a degree. You will also get a chance to serve in catechesis, youth ministry, early childhood care, social work, nursing, or pastoral work.
After six years, you are invited to make final profession. In this ceremony, you receive a ring which symbolizes your eternal union with God. You are now a full-fledged sister, a Bride of Christ.